Thursday, October 25, 2012

#kaipaulontour Journal #2 - The Process

kaipaulontour Journal #2 - The Process

Coming back to Bali there were a couple missions to complete. #1 surf. #2 Surf. #3 Party...haha. No seriously, the top of the list was to make developments in the product and the processes that go into making the product. We have a huge spring planned both in product launches and in delivering the most amount of shoes and sandals to retail in the history of Indosole. Production needs to be efficient and on time. There lies my ulitimate mission: deliver. Ok, pressure is on right? Yes, but what I have found is that our foundation has been set so solidly here in Bali with the people we are working with and the suppliers we have established, that it has been easy to make little tweaks here and there to enable a growth period for Indosole and really rev up and fine tune the Indosole cycle. It has been a pleasure to get to know and work with our staff here in Bali, special shout outs to Nana and Pak Eddy! Yes, surfing happens, and very thankful that it does, but the real joy and sense of accomplishment has been in continuing to progress this thing we affectionately call Indosole. - KP

tires in the raw

tools of the trade

We love Pak Eddy!

pressin' it
Pantais waiting to be soled