Thursday, March 15, 2012

Washed Out

We recently received an online article from Sole Surfer Mary Osborne about a great organization that is making a difference in Bali, the East Bali Poverty Ptoject (EBPP). Below is some exerted text and the subject matter put in our interpretive.

"In the past few years, it seems that many have made the conscious effort to be social responsible, or green. In fact, the amounting public pressure has somewhat become a necessary branding tactic for the “right of passage” to advertise one’s ethical demeanor. The list can include box store brands and even those articulate politicians. Certainly, these marketing icons and redundant green slogans are truly representing the “green” entity…. In the hard light of day, people need to make the conscious effort to truly investigate what one may say they are contributing. We have the power to mitigate our effect."

"Nevertheless, where does one begin? It must begin with the individual. The Laws of Exponentiality and the tenet of Ephemeralization, developed by Buckminster Fuller in 1938, essentially says that we ought to be able to do more with less. This really is the key to going green. Unfortunately, it is the polar opposite of capitalist commerce and most political systems of governance. Finding the balance between the two is maybe what green can only really be……"

The article is definitely insight for us to think about what we can do less as a brand and more as a community member. Even we get wrapped up in our own operational issues. It makes us pay the bills; however, there is a core value that IndoSole was founded on and if we lose it, we are no longer in touch with ourselves. It is community, happiness through simplicity, education through diversity and awareness in the environment and culture of BALI that keeps IndoSole what it is.

For more on the East Bali Poverty Project please visit.

For more on this article please visit

Photos and excerpts by David Pu'u