Thursday, August 15, 2013

Welcome to the Team - Ed Santos

Welcome to the Indo Team - Ed Santos

After 4 years of pounding the pavement with a small crew, the Indosole team has grown a need for expansion in the personnel dept. 2013 has brought us some great new additions to our team: Stevie Farmer (Sales/Marketing) , Kenya Stabler (Designer), Jessica Medina (Web and Graphics Support), Morgan Sterns (Graphic Design), and Britt Erickson (Event Coordination).

While planning for the future of our sales and distribution model of our fine Indo products, we realized it was time for experienced leadership at an upper management level.

We are proud and honored to have added Ed Santos to our team. Ed will be managing Global Sales efforts going forward. Ed has years of experience selling, managing, and growing distribution for surf and lifestyle companies in the past, and has already made a dramatic impact on our sales strategy and organization in the short time with us.

This guy is gonna help us growww!

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